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"I wholeheartedly endorse Mary Cassesso to become the next mayor of the great City of Somerville. I’ve known Mary for about forty years; when we met, Mary was Somerville’s City Auditor, with oversight of every one of the city’s financial transactions. She worked day and night to end Somerville’s legacy of political corruption, and to establish fiscal stability and good management.
No one has worked harder for the improvement of Somerville, or for longer, than Mary Cassesso. Her heart-felt zeal for this mission has always inspired..."
"On Tuesday, August 24th Mary Cassesso became the first Somerville mayoral candidate to receive a union endorsement. United Auto Workers Region 9A endorsed Mary Cassesso because unions fight for a more fair and equitable society, a fight that has been Mary’s life work and is one of the principal reasons she decided to run for Mayor. Workers across Somerville are supporting Mary’s campaign because of her unwavering commitment to them and their families."
Marie-Louise Jean-Baptiste, MD, FACP
Somerville Resident and Former Colleague
"I work as the Medical Director for a homeless program as well as a primary care physician. I’ve worked closely with Mary Cassesso on immigrant services, health services for the homeless population, and healthy eating and living educational programs on my weekly Haitian Creole radio show. Mary worked hard to get us funding for our nutritional cooking program and so many other programs for the homeless, immigrants, and various other initiatives for food security. She is always kind, giving, and tireless when it comes to working on projects that help provide a safety net for the community. She has the vision to lead and the experience to manage and help build as a public servant. Mary is bold, passionate, and inclusive as a leader and has my full support for Mayor."

Adam Sweeting
Former Ward 3 School Committee Representative
"I am endorsing Mary Cassesso because I believe she has the experience and values to lead our city forward. On issues ranging from affordability and health equity to the importance of the arts, her record exemplifies the qualities she will bring to the job of Mayor. She has worked tirelessly both inside and outside government to make Somerville a fairer and more accessible place. As a former member and Chair of the School Committee, I know how city government functions and I know how well Mary will do as our Mayor at this pivotal point in our journey together."

Former State Senator, Somerville Alderman
Sal Albano
"I’ve known Mary for more than 50 years. Right in front of my eyes, she grew up to become a charismatic public servant and leader whose intelligence is matched only by her skill, tenacity, and her passion for helping those in need. She is ready to run the City of Somerville from Day One. Mary has the unique perspective, insight, and experience that make her the best person to guide Somerville through its next chapter, and shape its future. I wholeheartedly urge anyone who loves Somerville and cares about its bright future to vote for Mary Cassesso for Mayor of Somerville."
"É com muita alegria que gostaria de pedir o apoio de toda a comunidade Brasileira, Portuguesa e Cabo Verdeana à candidatura de Mary Cassesso a prefeita da cidade de Somerville. Conheço Mary há mais de 10 anos, e sei de sua capacidade administrativa, seu amor pelo povo de Somerville, e também sou testemunha do carinho, respeito que ela possui pela comunidade de língua portuguesa.
With great joy, I would like to ask for the support of the whole Brazilian, Portuguese, and Cabo Verdeana community for Mary Cassesso's candidacy to become the next mayor of Somerville..."
"As a former Somerville Alderman at-large, working in community service and Somerville politics for decades, I know that Mary has the leadership skills and know-how to make a great Mayor. She is uniquely qualified to meet this moment, and I'm honored to support her in her campaign to be the next Mayor of Somerville."

Mike Grunko
Chair of Ward 3 Dems, former President of SEIU Local 509
"The simple reason I am endorsing Mary Cassesso is that I believe that she is the candidate best prepared to serve as Somerville Mayor.
Somerville is at the point where a sure hand and inspiring leadership will be necessary. Our new Mayor must be ready to take advantage of Somerville’s popularity with folks who want to live here or locate their business here, while at the same time preserving and expanding our place as a home to people of diverse racial, ethnic and economic status.
Mary is up to that task."
"Mary Cassesso is a strong advocate for social and racial justice and health equity. She funded programs to help bring food, immigrant services, and mental health care to the community. She always listened to the voices of the patients while at Cambridge Health Alliance. Mary is kind, respectful and so accomplished. For these reasons she has my support as mayor."
"I have gotten to know Mary as a champion of access to healthcare for immigrants. Her work is inspired and, most importantly, practical. Mary also has a depth and breadth of work and lived experience that reflects the city at every level. I support Mary because she is the right person to bridge the disparities of access and opportunity that the next mayor of Somerville must address. Mary is the candidate with the proven ability to bring the people of Somerville together as the city continues to change."
"Why am I happy that Mary Cassesso is running for mayor of Somerville? During the past three years I have worked under her leadership, I got to know her really well and I know that she is the real deal! She is authentic, compassionate, dedicated and competent! She deeply cares about others and takes the time to listen before taking action. Let yourself fall in love with her ideas and with her strong and kind leadership style!"
"This election year, the voters of the City of Somerville will have the opportunity to elect a new Mayor to lead us into and through the next chapter of Somerville’s progress. I’ve made my decision. That progressive leader is Mary Cassesso.
I’ve known Mary and her work for many years. And long before today’s catchphrases and slogan-laden politics, Mary worked for better and more affordable housing, workers’ rights, environmental issues, fair and affordable health care, the funding for the Somerville arts community, and racial justice issues, transparent and inclusive government and much more. "
“Who knows the countless souls who have been touched thanks in no small part to Mary Cassesso! We owe a debt of gratitude to her fearless leadership. Having worked in both Everett and Cambridge Emergency a Senior Recovery Coach since its inception, I’ve seen how many hopeless brothers and sisters have been blessed. To be around Mary is to be happy. She’s a bright light. So I feel it’s a grave responsibility to carry on with her spirit of love and tolerance always in the front of my mind. I am so gonna miss her presence. Hell, I’d vote for her for President! But I guess Mayor is a good start. Always Love and Respect, Jack Harper, Recovery Coach”