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I wholeheartedly endorse Mary Cassesso to become the next mayor of the great City of Somerville. I’ve known Mary for about forty years; when we met, Mary was Somerville’s City Auditor, with oversight of every one of the city’s financial transactions. She worked day and night to end Somerville’s legacy of political corruption, and to establish fiscal stability and good management.
No one has worked harder for the improvement of Somerville, or for longer, than Mary Cassesso. Her heart-felt zeal for this mission has always inspired me to do more for Somerville, and to grow roots here as deep as Mary’s are. As the
public facing of Mayor Eugene Brune’s two female department heads, Mary was my role model for a woman taking an active role in government.
For quite a while, many Somerville residents have been asking me to run for mayor, even in years when it would have meant challenging the incumbent. Would I have chosen to do so, people in this city promised me their support, and said they would raise an army of volunteers. To all these people, and to everyone in Somerville, I say: elect Mary as our mayor – you will get the passion, the progressive politics, and the meticulous preparation that you have come to expect from me.
With Mary, Somerville would be getting an even more valuable skill set than I have to offer. Mary has decades of experience in the executive branch, while I’ve mainly been a legislator. Mary has been involved in every aspect of running the City of Somerville, cabinet-level agencies of the Commonwealth, and large, mission-driven organizations.
Somerville needs Mary Cassesso as mayor to keep it moving forward through its next set of challenges.
-Denise Provost
State Representative from Somerville’s 27th Middlesex District 2006 - 2021
Somerville Alderman at Large 2000 - 2006
Somerville’s Assistant City Solicitor 1984 - 1989